Does Zanzibaris' trust in influencers have an impact on impulsive travel?




Social media influencers, Perceived credibility, Impulsive travel intention, Destination brand


Social media influencers have emerged as paramount opinion leaders in contemporary society. This research endeavors to scrutinize the impact of trust in social media influencers on destination branding and impulsive travel decisions. The study population comprises indigenous social media users residing in Zanzibar. A quantitative research methodology was employed to administer a questionnaire to 271 participants. Findings indicate a substantial correlation between trust in social media influencers and perceived credibility within the tourism sector. Influencers with significant industry standing exert considerable influence on followers' perceptions, fostering enhanced audience confidence. Moreover, impulsive travel intentions are linked to destination brand trust, with potential travelers exhibiting a greater inclination towards spontaneous trips when they harbor confidence in the destination's brand. A robust destination brand cultivates a sense of security and optimism, inspiring individuals to contemplate more inclusive and dynamic travel experiences. The study presents avenues for further exploration into the intricate dynamics of influencer marketing and its repercussions on travel behaviors across diverse cultural contexts, as it offers valuable insights into the social media landscape of Zanzibar.


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How to Cite

Oğuz, Y. E., & Diamond, B. A. (2024). Does Zanzibaris’ trust in influencers have an impact on impulsive travel?. Structural Equation Modelling and Multivariate Research, 1(1), 37–53.


