Determinants of Online Shopping Intentions During the Pandemic




structural equation modeling, COVID-19 Pandemic, Online Shopping intentions, Behavioural Control, Intention


This study analyses the key factors influencing consumers' online shopping intentions in Türkiye during the COVID-19 pandemic using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The digital transformation, made necessary by the pandemic, has profoundly altered consumer habits. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived behavioural control are examined as the primary factors shaping attitudes and intentions towards online shopping. The findings of the study reveal that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness strongly influence consumer attitudes and shopping intentions. Additionally, perceived behavioural control plays a decisive role in determining intention. Conducted in Türkiye, this study provides valuable insights into the transition of online shopping from a mandatory option to a permanent shopping norm during the pandemic. The findings will serve as a significant guide in shaping future digital commerce strategies.

Structural Equation Modelling

COVID-19 Pandemic

Online Shopping intentions

Behavioural Control




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How to Cite

Özdemir, N. B., & Doğan, M. (2024). Determinants of Online Shopping Intentions During the Pandemic. Structural Equation Modelling and Multivariate Research, 1(1), 18–36.


