The Effect of Content Richness, Video Quality and Source Reliability on User Satisfaction on Instagram




Social media, Content richness, Video quality, Satisfaction, Partial least squares structural equation modelling


In this study, the effects of content richness, video quality and source reliability on user satisfaction of university students on Instagram were investigated with the help of a proposed model.  Firstly, a research model based on the literature was developed and a data collection tool based on the model was designed simultaneously. Then, the data were collected online through a link and the proposed research model was tested with partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) method. Accordingly, it is predicted that content richness, video quality and source reliability increase Instagram user satisfaction, and as satisfaction increases, behavioural intention to use Instagram will increase.


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How to Cite

Kinaş, Y. (2024). The Effect of Content Richness, Video Quality and Source Reliability on User Satisfaction on Instagram. Structural Equation Modelling and Multivariate Research, 1(1), 75–85.


