The Effect of the Physical Environment on Repeat Purchase in Fast Food Restaurants: A Structural Model Proposal
physical environment, price perception, customer satisfaction, purchase intention, structural equation modelingAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effect of physical environment elements on price perception, customer satisfaction and intention to repeat purchase in fast food restaurants. In the study, decoration, atmosphere, and order factors were used as physical environmental elements. The study included 204 students randomly selected from the Tourism department of a State University. A survey consisting of 29 statements was conducted. The relationship between variables was analyzed using structural equation modeling PLS-SEM. According to the results of the research, it has been determined that the fast-food restaurant environment elements affect the perceived price and customer satisfaction with decoration and layout elements. There was no statistically significant relationship identified between the size of the atmosphere and both the perceived price and customer satisfaction. Additionally, no significant correlation was observed between atmosphere size and the variables of perceived price and customer satisfaction. According to the results, it has been determined that the size of the order has the biggest effect on price and customer satisfaction. Finally, it was concluded that the perceived price and customer satisfaction had an impact on purchase intent.
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